MARCH. 2020. ISSUE 4
Designed Interiors:
Connecting heart, mind & body to the experience of your space
“My crown is called content, a crown that seldom kings enjoy.”
– William Shakespeare
This past week has felt like months to me. With all the news around COVID-19 and company policies, from one email to the next to the point of saturation. With the exception of a few offering real connectivity; the majority leaving me with an empty feeling of disconnect, like a quarterly newsletter full of jargon. Making our new-now all about corporate checklists, in the midst of an inconvenient truth (while we wait to press play again). Hard-selling “how we abide by rules”, in the hope of not losing market share, while fear is actually all that rules. Fear is among the hardest wired; powerful emotions within us; with the ability to overcome our most rational intelligent selves, to the point of self-destruction. And voila, fuelled by uncertainty, it shows us exactly where we truly are as evolutionary beings.
Tellers wrapped in gloves (as though nothing clings to plastic) shouting at customers to hold their distance. Shelves stripped from pain killers and my monthly Vit C (usually abundantly in supply) depleted. Food shelves empty like a deserted prairie. How easily swayed are we when we feel threatened? Who is running this show? Is this mass-hysteria heightened by social media; connecting us to moments like this where I wonder: who the biggest virus actually –is? Dare our man-made rhythms feel threatened or inconvenienced; it challenges the reality that we are addicted to; and suddenly we are faced with who we truly are.

The amassed energy created by the collective fear reminds me of metal balls hanging from nylon strings – when you lift one side you are able to affect movement and create an impact so that the end balls knock from side to side while the centre remains static. Are you part of the collective agenda like a ball on a string being swayed from side to side; or do you choose to be still at the centre of it all? Holding the energy for change?
“There are two basic motivating forces: fear & love. When we are afraid we pull back from life.
When we love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion & acceptance.” – John Lennon
For me it is all about perspective. I am by nature fascinated with how things relate to each other. When I explore how everything interconnects; and my focus goes to parts of the whole; I usually find beauty in places I would not otherwise have noticed and tend to find magnificence in the design of it all. This activity offers my mind a different perspective and takes me away from outside opinions, which allows me to see things through my own fresher eyes.
Being in charge of a small business for as long as I have; I am lucky to have developed my own “muscle” of living with uncertainty. It is in times like this that we need to draw on this skill. For me, hope carries me through tough times. Hope is stronger than fear and while hope itself is not an emotion; by hope alone you can make yourself feel positive emotions. And when you dwell in positive emotions, in the present moment, it will create a positive future for you and everyone around you.
Perhaps we have become so depleted as a race in our own race towards our own destruction that the only way to draw our collective attention towards what is most needed, and reset the human intentions to better connection and considered actions, could only be brought to light through the aid of something so microscopically tiny called the “crown” virus; that it baffles the mind (yet again) of how much power nature has over man.

My hope is that we will transcend this stage into a permanent state of more connection; consideration and awareness. And our only “policy” remains to stand in service of each other.
With our cloud-based platforms that we spent over 2 years developing here at Xperiencemakers, we are proud to be able to continue our service delivery to you with our ongoing, whole-hearted commitment, in every detail we engage with; from particles to forms, from the unseen to the manifest.
And remember that things turn out better for those who make the best of what is.
Yours in connectedness!
Adding value is our passion. Contact our team at: to help turn those interior dreams into your reality.