How to create the perfect family work space
Working from home is a wonderful privilege that many modern day parents get to enjoy. Technology makes it possible to marry work and play in a way that ‘gets the job done’, without missing the priceless moments in your children’s lives.
The challenge, however, is to create a workspace that is organised and conducive to work, whilst complementing the rest of your home’s design and feel. And once your children start attending school and bringing home homework, you’ll soon realise that you’re not the only one needing a workspace! In the wise words of Estelle Gee, owner of Orderly Lives, ‘Organisation creates predictability and safety for a child’. Too much clutter is over-stimulating, which means that an organised workspace enhances a person’s creative potential.
Set aside a dedicated work surface
Try to organise the room so that there is a dedicated space for books and stationery, which is easy to access.
Assign work spaces based on how much time each family member will typically work, the nature of their work and the devices that they will be utilising (i.e. your high school learner will need more desk space than your fourth grader; and you might want to put your desk next to your fourth grader, to help with homework when needed).
An armoire desk is a great idea for a small shared space, and works well for children as it can be closed up to hide potential untidy spaces. If space isn’t an issue, then opt for more traditional desks which allows for extra drawer space. It’s also a bonus if you can have your TV and media equipment in another room to avoid distractions and create a quiet and productive space.
Invest in an ergonomic chair
Having a good, sturdy, ergonomic chair is vital if you or your kids will be spending long hours at a desk. It will not only help with posture and prevent back issues down the line, but also boost productivity. A Pilates ball is also a fun and functional seating option.
Turn the lights on
There is nothing worse than squinting at a screen or text book, so make sure there is dedicated task lighting in addition to overhead general lighting.
Find the right storage solutions
Wire and woven baskets are both functional and beautiful storage solutions. Consider both your and your kids’ storage needs and create a system that works well, everyone understands and is easy to organise.
As your kids will be sharing a work space, allocate a section of storage to each of them for their respective belongings and supplies.
Keep a check list or calendar
A wall calendar is great for tracking both homework assignments and your work deadlines. For something a little more exciting than a traditional paper calendar, why not paint a section of wall in chalk paint and mark off a calendar or to-do-list that way? Or use a dry erase board with a customised vinyl sticker month planner printed on it.
Use glass jars to store odds and ends
Most households gather an assortment of glass jars over time. These are great for storing pens and various art supplies, and are also a great way to teach kids the value of recycling.

Enjoy family time
Family time is just as important as getting that homework done, or meeting a work deadline. Therefore always try to keep your family room a neutral space – free from the clutter of work, devices, school supplies, books and toys. This provides a space where kids and parents can unwind, enjoy TV and share a conversation without stressful reminders of work lying around.
Do what works for your family
Your reality however, might be that you don’t have space for a dedicated family work room. Or your children are at the age that they are more productive in their own space. The solution will then be to create a multifunctional area in each family member’s room. With the right design and clever spatial planning, you can create a trendy study nook in a kid’s room in no time.

Similarly, guest rooms or master bedrooms don’t need to lose their sense of style or luxury – a stylish table can serve as both a dresser and a desk.

Whatever your space, we hope you find a practical (and beautiful) way to marry work and play in your home. Enjoy!